All these SWRO desalination projects (20,000 - 440,000 m3/day) are of multiple train design; the size of each train being defined by the capacity of the SWRO process driver – the high pressure feed pump. So the S1800 project is for seawater desalination and built around the 1800 m3/h pump.

S2300 (440,000 m3/day)

[image] This SWRO plant is a definitive answer to the bid request for planning, financing, constructing, and operating a desalination plant at Sorek (May 2018, Israel). The new plant is to supply a minimum of 150 million cubes a year (427,400 m3/d).

S2800 (250,000 m3/day)

[image] This SWRO plant has the biggest capacity of the train and the most sophisticated in design. It has very tight layout hydraulically optimized. For this plant size single-stage multi-media filtration with the backwash tank has little advantages compared to the forced backwash with the high-capacity pumps.

S1800 (85,000 m3/day)

[image] The pretreatment includes lamella clarifier and dual media filtration. The permeate produced in the 3-stage reverse osmosis process is re-mineralized in the limestone reactors. Single-stage filtration is typical for the SWRO plants operating in Australia, Israel and Spain.

S1000 (96,000 m3/day)

[image] The pretreatment includes two-stage pressure filters. Milk of lime is dosed to the permeate produced in a single-pass SWRO process. This process is typical for the SWRO plants under operation in Spain, Chile, India, Singapore, and Saudi Arabia.

S1001 (150,000 m3/day)

[image] The plant includes an intake pumping station, lamella settler, DAF, UF and a single stage reverse osmosis. These processes chain and the plant size are quite similar to the ones requested by the tender of Chennai Metro Water Supply company (November, 2016, Nemmeli, India).

S750 (72,000 m3/day)

[image] The plant includes DAF, lamella, DMF & UF and a 3-stage reverse osmosis. The DMF & UF tandem has been used in a number of projects: Kindasa (2006, 2009, Saudi Arabia), London (2008, Great Britain), Busan Gijang (2011, Korea), Codelco (2015, Chile).

S300 (21,000 m3/day)

[image] This modular design plant of 21000 m3/day includes UF, a single-stage reverse osmosis, and re-mineralization system.

S80 (6,000 m3/day)

[image] This modular-design containerized plant of 2000 m3/day includes DAF, pressure filter, a single-stage reverse osmosis, and re-mineralization system.

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